Tax Clinic Faculty

Christina Wease, JD, Director

Prof. Wease supervises of second- and third-year law students, organizes outreach events, and oversees the students’ work in managing their client case files.

Prof. Wease graduated magna cum laude from Michigan State University College of Law in spring 2012.  After graduation, she was the Public Interest Fellow at the Tax Clinic for three years. She has been a supervising attorney since 2015.  She is admitted to practice in Michigan; Western District of Michigan; Eastern District of Michigan; United States Tax Court and United States Supreme Court.  She is a member of the State Bar of Michigan Taxation Section and Michigan Women’s Tax Association. 


Books & Chapters

  • Christina Wease and Jen Burdock, Representing Clients with Disabilities, in Effectively Representing Your Client Before the IRS (Upcoming 9th ed., American Bar Association 2023).
  • Christina Wease and Frank DiPeitro, Representing Clients with Disabilities, in Effectively Representing Your Client Before the IRS (Christine S. Seidel, Patrick W Thomas, eds., 8th ed., 2021).
  • Patrick W. Thomas and Christina Thompson, CHAPTER 30 “ASSISTING TAXPAYERS WITH DISABILITIES” in Effectively Representing Your Client Before the IRS (Keith Fogg, editor., 7th ed.) American Bar Association, 2018.
  • Christina Thompson, co-author, ABA Taxation Section Public Comments regarding Revenue Procedure 99-21 (2018).
  • Christina Thomson, "Substantive Rights or Normative Policy? The TBOR's contribution to federal tax compliance and enforcement," Procedurally Taxing (Mar. 4, 2018).
  • Joshua Wease and Christina Thompson, Master the IRS Maze (East Lansing: Wease Thompson, LLC, 2017).  ISBN: 9780998570709


  • Presenter, “Issues Surrounding Applying for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.” Northern Michigan Migrant Resource Council (Virtual, upcoming Jun. 16, 2023).
  • Presenter, “How to File Tax Returns for Nonresident Aliens.” This workshop is held annually in the spring over 5-6 in-person sessions. Each session is three hours long and instructs international students and scholars on how to determine U.S. tax residency, interpret tax treaty benefits, file forms 1040NR and 8843, and Michigan state income tax forms. (Upcoming Spring 2023).
  • Presenter, “Income Tax Return Basics,” MSU Engineering Graduate Students (East Lansing, MI, Spring Semester 2013 – 2019, 2021, 2022, upcoming 2023).
  • Co-presenter, “Tax Controversy Book Camp,” State Bar of Michigan Pro Bono Panel (Eight-hour workshop. October 7, 2022).
  • Co-presenter, “Tax Debts and Issue Spotting.” Michigan Indian Law Society. (Virtual, Oct. 22, 2021).
  • Presenter, “Tax Basics for MSU Postdocs.” (East Lansing, MI, Sept. 21, 2022).
  • Presenter, “Common Questions on U.S. Taxation.” Presented to newly admitted and returning MSU graduate students. (East Lansign, MI, Aug. 15, 2022).
  • Co-presenter, “Tax Bridge to Practice: Overcoming Obstacles When Representing Taxpayers with Disabilities.” Virtual 2020 May Tax Meeting, The American Bar Association. (Virtual, Jun. 10, 2020).
  • Co-presenter, “Tax Training for Pro Bono Attorneys.” The State Bar of Michigan Tax Pro Bono Referral Panel. (Lansing, MI, Jun. 2015, Jun. 2017, Jun. 2018, Jun. 2019).
  • Co-presenter, “How to File Tax Returns for Nonresident Aliens.” This workshop is held annually in the spring over 5-6 in-person sessions.  Each session is three hours long and instructs international students and scholars on how to determine U.S. tax residency, interpret tax treaty benefits, file forms 1040NR and 8843, and Michigan state income tax forms.  (2013-2019).
  • Panelist, “IRC 6511(h): Financial Disability,” 2018 Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic Annual Grantee Conference (Washington, D.C., Dec. 7, 2017).
  • Panelist, “Practical Ethical Advice for Tax Professionals,” 30th Annual Tax Conference, Taxation Section of the State Bar of Michigan (Plymouth, MI, May 25, 2017).
  • Presenter, “Business Expense Deductions for the Solo Practitioner,” Ingham County Young Lawyers’ Association (Lansing, MI, Mar. 22, 2017).
  • Panelist, “Decoding IRS Transcripts,” 2017 Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic Annual Grantee Conference (Washington, D.C., Dec. 13, 2016).
  • Presenter, “Taxation Issue Spotting,” Legal Services of South Central Michigan (Lansing, MI, Nov. 6, 2015).
  • Presenter “Reading a Tax Return for Lawyers,” Ingham County Young Lawyers’ Association (Lansing, MI, Nov. 18, 2015).
  • Panelist, 2012 Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic Annual Grantee Conference “Using fellows in Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic.” (Washington, D.C., Dec. 2012).


Michigan State University

  • J.D., magna cum laude, 2012
  • B.A., Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Science, 2006
  • B.A., Anthropology, 2006


Shelby Ohstrom, JD, Supervising Attorney

Shelby supervises of second- and third-year law students, organizes outreach events, and oversees the students’ work in managing their client case files.

Shelby graduated from Michigan State University College of Law in 2023.  During her time at MSU Law, she participated in the Tax Clinic as a student and returned after graduation as a fellow.  She is admitted to practice in Michigan.