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1. Do you have a tax problem that is less than $50,000 per tax year?

The Tax Clinic handles all aspects of controversy with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Michigan Department of Treasury, including assisting clients with tax collection problems, liens and levies, offers in compromise, innocent spouse claims, collections due process hearings, and appeals conferences. In addition, the Clinic represents taxpayers in cases before the United States Tax Court, the United States District Court and federal appellate courts. Generally, the Tax Clinic can only assist with taxpayers whose debt for any one tax year is less than $50,000 (not including interest).  However, if your tax debt is more than this amount, please contact us to discuss.

Please note that the Tax Clinic does not generally provide tax return preparation services.

2. Do you satisfy the Tax Clinic's income requirements?

The income guidelines dictate that in the current year your income cannot exceed 250% of the federal poverty guidelines, as shown in the following table. (Exception: 10% of the taxpayers we represent may have income that exceeds 250% of the federal poverty guidelines.)

Size of
Family Unit

2025 Income Ceiling
(250% of Federal Poverty Guidelines)

















For each additional person, add $13,750.

3. Next Steps

If you believe that you meet these requirements, please schedule an appointment with a student tax attorney by calling the Tax Clinic at (517) 432-6880. See our What to Expect page for an explanation of how we work with you to resolve your case. You are not a Tax Clinic client until you and the Tax Clinic director sign a retainer agreement

What if you do not qualify?

If you have reviewed the above qualification requirements, but are unsure if you qualify or not, please contact us for a consultation.  We may be able to refer you to someone who can assist you.